Target Reached!
Thanks to the wonderful support we have received.
We have used up all the "match funding" and reached our target of £5000 - when Gift Aid is included we are well above what we estimate we need for the smoke box.
Naturally, we are still happy to recieve donations!
There are many other items we will need to purchase - we should now be able to obtain all the footplating we need that goes below the smoke box.
This will be an excellent project for our volunteers getting the correct fit and drilling the many holes ready for fixing into place.
Depending how high our figure goes we could also see if we can afford a new chimney
(the one that came with the loco is not historically correct for a 1918 built loco and we aim to restore as close as we can to the original).
We will soon have one of these of our own!
Thanks again to all our supporters!