Have you read the article in July2024's edition of Trackside Magazine
Highlighting our Sisters of Steam ?
Thank You for visiting our Sisters of Steam secton. It is not just restricted to those of you who work on the footplate but any of you who work with steam of any description or on heritage railways in any capacity.
If you would like to share your story then please send it ( with images as jpegs if you have them) to us via our contact e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We ahve also added links to the organisations mentioned by our Sisters of Steam and we hope that not only will you vivit our web site and The GWSR but some of those other railways and museums highlighted .
We are delighted to welcome Women in Rail to our Sisters of Steam initative.
Women in Rail is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting diversity and gender balance within the rail industry.
Through mentoring programs, networking events, and educational initiatives.
Women in Rail supports the professional development of women in the sector.
The charity advocates for inclusivity and offers resources for companies to improve workplace equality.
Membership is free and open to all, regardless of gender, making it accessible to anyone passionate about fostering diversity in the industry.
By joining, members gain valuable opportunities to connect with industry professionals, enhance their skills, and contribute to a more inclusive workforce. To find out more
simply visit the https://womeninrail.org website
and to join, https://womeninrail.org/contact-us/
"The Women in Rail membership is free, and you as volunteers on any heirtage or related railway are more than welcome to join.
Please do sign up as Women in Rail would value you as part of the charity and diversity conversation in the industry."
Thank you Caroline from Women in Rail
We now have an exclusive range of Sisters of Steam clothing and other items
available through our on line shop ,
why not check some out before you go
Here we have stories about "Sisters of Steam" -
the common theme is the enthusiasm!
Sister of Steam Gerri Ford
My name is Gerri Ford and I have been helping my husband Andy, to conserve an engine that, up until recently, was neglected in a siding at Alresford on The Mid Hants Railway
We had been keeping the wheels empty of any rain and leaves etc. that had somehow found its way in as well as cleaning out the gunk and rust that had been untouched for many years in the fire box mud hole doors.
We had also painted the boiler which because it had not been covered, had moss and grime, which had to be scrubbed off first! It was not an easy job but with true grit and determination I helped by painting one side.
I have helped in painting the tender wheels and removing any rust, moss grime and sometimes vegetation! with a wire brushm. and cleaning any other part of the engine that I could get under to attack the weeds as well.
So, definitely a variety of jobs to do ladies.
It certainly gives you a sense of pride when you see the work you have achieved on an engine that was beginning to look neglected and a sorry looking rustbucket.
Now like an engine that has been brought back to looking a very much loved engine again
I will admit that at first I though there was little I could do, but there is always something to help out with – you only have to ask as I had done with Sir Fred. ( Pile )
I will start working on Sir Fred again in the near future as for now he has a new home and being looked after the way he deserves by Southern Locomotives.
So please ladies, like me, step up to a new hobby and join and promote this great Sisters of Steam group with the pride and determination I have been given by other like minded group of enthusiasts.
Nothing is impossible - the clue is in the word itself – I’m possible!! And we are possible – we will be the Sisters of Steam!
There’s always something you can do.
Some images of Gerri working on Sir Fredrick Pile.
Not may be the glamourous side but the very neccessary part of restoration
You can read more about Sir Fredrick Pile's restoration here
Sister of Steam Sarah Pennington
News Update
Sarah passed out as a Fireman on the weekend of 20th 21st April 2024 Many Congratulations Sarah
I often get asked how my interest and involvement in railways began, and I always find it difficult to answer. I have always had an interest from a young age, making visits to Heritage Railways and the National Railway Museum. In 2010 I joined the Junior Volunteers Group at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway where my Dad was a Passed Cleaner. Juniors created great opportunities to get involved with all aspects of railway preservation including Conservation, Carriage and Wagon, Catering, Guarding, and shed with the footplate department. I got involved with anything and everything, and I signed up to the Footplate Department as soon as I was 16. Within the Junior Volunteer program we met monthly as a group and an additional MPD Sunday, as well as every July we had a Junior Volunteers Week where you would spend the whole week volunteering across the railway. Being able to volunteer in different departments created the opportunity to see the railway from different perspectives and how different departments reflect on the running of railways. It is imperative that these schemes are available and accessible to everyone, providing an insight and a means to access railways and preservation, especially from a younger age.
I am now a Steam Locomotive Fireman, and I am involved with the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, National Railway Museum, and the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Railway on the Footplate. Whilst on the NYMR, I realised that my favourite locomotives, the Q6 and J27 were owned by the North Eastern Locomotive Preservation Group. So, of course I signed up to volunteer with them, helping to restore and maintain their engines. I find the volunteering role extremely rewarding, whether firing an engine or helping out on shed, seeing the outcome of your contribution creates a sense of great pride. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing that’s for sure, but on reflection, I am glad I persevered and fulfilled my aspirations within the Footplate Department. I am extremely proud to represent women in rail, on the Footplate and in my day job as a Track Design Engineer. I do hope it becomes easier and more accessible to girls and women, and hope they do not become deterred in their passions as I nearly was. Even if a little sparse, there are more women coming forward to fill these operational roles, proving we can do the work just as well as our male counterparts, and I cannot wait to see more.
Some more images from Sarah
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great initiative,
Sarah Pennington
links to the NYMR https://www.nymr.co.uk
The Embsay Railway https://www.embsayboltonabbeyrailway.org.uk
The North Eastern Locomtive Group https://www.nelpg.org.uk
The National Raiwlay Museum https://www.railwaymuseum.org.uk
This story is from a real pioneer - Heidi Mowforth
Heidi Mowforth

I joined the Bluebell Railway during its glory days in 1982, at a time when it was the only full size heritage railway in the country to be 100% steam hauled, and at times there could be up to 14 available locos.
At the time the 'Monday Shunt' was a well known feature of the railway, when an engine (and sometimes a brakevan) went up to Horsted Keynes every Monday morning, whatever the weather to spend the day in and out of every siding and all roads in the carriage shed. In winter the crew went without a break, in order to complete the shunt in daylight. B4 Normandy was the usual engine for this task, perfectly suited to the job and the hardest working engine on the railway for decades.
The railway line from Horsted up to West Hoathly, through the half mile tunnel, and down to Kingscote was built using a largely volunteer workforce with a small full time P Way gang, once again all under steam power. The usual engines were Normany, once again, the North London, and the Q Class, which would leave Sheffield Park at 8.30 in the morning with a heavy train of ballast hoppers, a lowmac and a wagon with a digger in. Upon arrival at the site, the train would be secured and the crew would get down and join in the lifting of rails and sleepers and the shovelling of ballast until it needed moving again.
In the late 1980s, I passed out as s firemen, and became the first woman at the Bluebell to do so. There was a certain amount of opposition at the time, so Inspector Jack gave me a stringent test to prove that I could cope with whatever was demanded of a fireman. The engine was the Schools Class, 928, with a seven coach train. For the final trip of the day, we had to leave Sheffield Park with the fire, water and pressure low, and I had to take the train single handed to Horsted Keynes, driving and firing. This feat hasn't been a requirement in the firing test for many years now, so I have the honour of being the only woman ever to have achieved it.
In 1990, I was invited to the North Norfolk Railway for a Ladies Day ( quite a feature at the time) along with husband Mick, a Bluebell driver, and our two children, Henry and Clarrie, then four and a year old. Mick and I had met on the footplate of the Yank Tank, 30064, in the mid 1980s when he was a fireman and I was a cleaner. Ladies Day was fun, and the people were all very friendly. They were short of crews at the time, and asked us if we would consider returning in the summer for a holiday to cover some turns. We did, I passed out to drive there in 1994, and we haven't missed a summer there in over 30 years. The NNR was a much smaller railway in those days. The engines were lit up in a small siding at Sheringham Station, with everything for prep and light up in a rickety shed, and a small pit on the platform road. When the B12 8572 returned to traffic, it was considered 'the big engine', but in these days of the WD and the 9F, it has shrunk considerably. The NNR became our holiday railway by the sea, and we alternated engine turns with days out walking and on the beach with the children and the dogs.
In about 1998 the Kent and East Sussex Railway was appealing for crews to cover a shortage, and Mick and I went along to see if we might like it. We did, and I still drive there, as does our son Henry. The KESR only went to Northiam then, but
extended to Bodiam, near the castle, a couple of years later. The KESR was, and is, very different to the Bluebell. Built as a light railway, 'on the cheap' it has five stations and six sets of crossing gates, which can make for a ponderous journey if they are not manned. The trains are about the same length and weight as the Bluebell ones, but the engines are half the size and the gradient from Rolvenden to Tenterden steep at 1:39.
It was at the KESR that I met and became friends with Adrian, a full time loco fitter there, who had been a driver on the NYMR since the 1970s. He invited me to join him there for a few days and 'have a go', and I ended up firing there for 20 years, for stints during the school holidays. The NYMR is 26 miles long, with some stiff 1:49 gradients and heavy trains. I had the privilege of working some prestigious engines there;
Sir Nigel Gresley, Tornado, Blue Peter, and a selection of Black Fives. My favourites were always the older engines, the 7F, K1 and Q6. My 'trip of a lifetime' took place there in the early days of the Whitby branch, when I fired a Black Five from Whitby to Battersby and back, at 50mph at night. I had a blast there for two decades, made good friends, visited some excellent pubs and created some wonderful memories.
Years passed. Decades flew by. Our son Henry joined the Bluebell as an apprentice steam fitter, then moved to the KESR as a steam fitter for eight years, before returning to the Bluebell as a boilersmith. He is still a KESR driver and is also the CME of the project on that railway to rebuild GWR tank engine 4253, and he also drives on the Bluebell and NNR.
The Bluebell finally extended to East Grinstead, where there is a spectacular entrance over Imberhorne Viaduct, but the arrival of a diesel shunter in 2004 ended its unique appeal, and Normandy, faithful workhorse of the Monday shunts and rebuilding of the line, ended up mounted and stuffed in the exhibition shed.
The NNR built a new carriage shed and engine shed with a yard at Weybourne, and acquired some larger engines, including a WD and a 9F, both 2-10-0s. The railway is now well known for its 40s weekends, which involve the entire town of Sheringham, and for the winter Norfolk Lights trains.
The KESR is in the process ( a lengthy one) of extending to Robertsbridge and a connection to the Big Railway. Always a very friendly and welcoming railway, it was the first to run Pullman dining trains, and these are still a premium product and always booked up. The dining trains are still run largely by volunteers, and it is not unusual to be given the right away by the guard with a tea towel over his shoulder, or to be held at Tenterden at the end of the night while the signalman finishes the washing up in the train.
Nowadays Mick and I still live in the Railway Cottages at Horsted Keynes, with Henry and his partner Ruth in the Station House. (Clarrie is an Events Manager in Glasgow). I work at the village primary school, and often spend my Friday off driving at the Bluebell, and spend a couple of weekends a month driving or working on 4253 at the KESR.
The NNR is our summer holiday railway. Mick and I take the caravan and the dogs twice a year for a busman's holiday. The NNR is home to the favourite engine of Mick, Henry and me – the B12, 8572, built in 1923. We've had so many happy times on her footplate!
During a recent turn on austerity Swiftsure, which was visiting the KESR, I was accompanied for the day by 18 year old fireman, Ed, whose father has been a driver for many years.
“I was talking to Dad last night” said Ed, “And he was saying what laughs you used to have in the days when he was your fireman.”
Yes. Thanks Ed. I really have been on the iron road since the dawn of time.

When my son realised his dream of owning a railway back in 2010, I couldn’t see what the attraction was.
I’d lived with his obsession for 30 years and now here he was, the proud owner of the run- down Hastings miniature railway.
Running just half a mile along the seafront since 1948, the 10.25” gauge railway needed a lot of TLC.
In a few short months Dan had increased the locos from one to four, built two new sets of carriages, a passing loop and a turntable.
Pretty soon I was bitten, and one day said “Go on Dan. Give us a go. It can’t be that hard”
Around 7 years later having derailed, broken and crashed around 11 diesel locos, (one of which, Dan built for me…..the infamous Cornish Pixie), I started on steam.
During the season, we run a 3-train service (we are gradually replacing diesel with steam and currently have 3 with another on its way, and 2 being built).
We run various galas during the year including steam and charity, or maybe we simply want to celebrate a Loco’s birthday. We also run an illuminated Christmas event.
Over the years, Dan built more locos, and repairs and builds for other railways.
A few years ago Dan acquired the 7.25” gauge railway in our nearby park which is currently run by one of our engineers and my grandson.
We hold Christmas and Halloween events here, giving all of us the chance to exercise another Hastings passion for fancy dress.
During the school holidays, I drive 5 or 6 days a week, barely scrubbing the grime off, and untangling my hair from one day before starting again the next day.
I used to drive in flip flops but even I got embarrassed by how dirty my feet became! And I still bear the scar where I managed to stab my foot with a hot poker.
Luckily, Morrisons are used to us late night shopping still covered in soot.
On my days off, I visit other railways and we regularly take our locos to other railway’s galas.
I don’t claim to know much about engines, I can fire up and down, oil, drive and generally maintain them whilst running. But much like a car, I have no idea what goes on under the hood. I leave that to the men.
And whilst on the subject, to my memory, about 8 of our drivers over the years have been female. And yes, we all have to put up with “oh. are you driving dear?”
The best is when someone looks over my head to someone behind me and says “scuse me. When does the next train leave?”
We put up with the sort of patronising comments no male driver would have to. But as always, we have to smile and put up with it. After all, there are advantages to being female. We have the excuse of “Help please, I’m not strong enough to do that” whenever anything goes wrong!
I’d like to be able to say that what I lack in knowledge I make up for in enthusiasm. Who doesn’t love piling on so many layers you can hardly move, just to keep warm. Getting soaked in the rain. Battling the winds. We could all write books of the silly questions we get asked and the insults thrown at us.
And the parents we see year after year with their toddlers growing into teenagers and still coming back. The children who want their photo taken with me in the cab. The mums and dads who thank me for making their child’s holiday.
And the waving. Where else could you do a job where you spend your days waving and smiling?
Not a job if you treasure your hair makeup and nails.
Whenever I hear “ooh. We have a lady driver”. I answer “I’m no lady!”
Known to all as ‘M’
Crazy Train Driver.
If found, please return to
Hastings Miniature Railway.
Hastings. East Sussex.
Proprietor Dan Radcliffe.
No up to date website but best found on Facebook:-
When my son realised his dream of owning a railway back in 2010, I couldn’t see what the attraction was.
I’d lived with his obsession for 30 years and now here he was, the proud owner of the run- down Hastings miniature railway.
Running just half a mile along the seafront since 1948, the 10.25” gauge railway needed a lot of TLC.
In a few short months Dan had increased the locos from one to four, built two new sets of carriages, a passing loop and a turntable.
Pretty soon I was bitten, and one day said “Go on Dan. Give us a go. It can’t be that hard”
Around 7 years later having derailed, broken and crashed around 11 diesel locos, (one of which, Dan built for me…..the infamous Cornish Pixie), I started on steam.
During the season, we run a 3-train service (we are gradually replacing diesel with steam and currently have 3 with another on its way, and 2 being built).
We run various galas during the year including steam and charity, or maybe we simply want to celebrate a Loco’s birthday. We also run an illuminated Christmas event.
Over the years, Dan built more locos, and repairs and builds for other railways.
A few years ago Dan acquired the 7.25” gauge railway in our nearby park which is currently run by one of our engineers and my grandson.
We hold Christmas and Halloween events here, giving all of us the chance to exercise another Hastings passion for fancy dress.
During the school holidays, I drive 5 or 6 days a week, barely scrubbing the grime off, and untangling my hair from one day before starting again the next day.
I used to drive in flip flops but even I got embarrassed by how dirty my feet became! And I still bear the scar where I managed to stab my foot with a hot poker.
Luckily, Morrisons are used to us late night shopping still covered in soot.
On my days off, I visit other railways and we regularly take our locos to other railway’s galas.
I don’t claim to know much about engines, I can fire up and down, oil, drive and generally maintain them whilst running. But much like a car, I have no idea what goes on under the hood. I leave that to the men.
And whilst on the subject, to my memory, about 8 of our drivers over the years have been female. And yes, we all have to put up with “oh. are you driving dear?”
The best is when someone looks over my head to someone behind me and says “scuse me. When does the next train leave?”
We put up with the sort of patronising comments no male driver would have to. But as always, we have to smile and put up with it. After all, there are advantages to being female. We have the excuse of “Help please, I’m not strong enough to do that” whenever anything goes wrong!
I’d like to be able to say that what I lack in knowledge I make up for in enthusiasm. Who doesn’t love piling on so many layers you can hardly move, just to keep warm. Getting soaked in the rain. Battling the winds. We could all write books of the silly questions we get asked and the insults thrown at us.
And the parents we see year after year with their toddlers growing into teenagers and still coming back. The children who want their photo taken with me in the cab. The mums and dads who thank me for making their child’s holiday.
And the waving. Where else could you do a job where you spend your days waving and smiling?
Not a job if you treasure your hair makeup and nails.
Whenever I hear “ooh. We have a lady driver”. I answer “I’m no lady!”
Known to all as ‘M’
Crazy Train Driver.
If found, please return to
Hastings Miniature Railway.
Hastings. East Sussex.
Proprietor Dan Radcliffe.
No up to date website but best found on Facebook:-
My Artwork & My Steam Traction Engine Hobby By Vicki Rogers
My Steam Traction Engine Hobby started at a very young age when I went to my first Steam Rally with my family back in 1987 at Everley Hill in rural North Dorset which was the "Dorset Steam Fair" back then & I loved being around the engine's & watching them do what they were built to do, & I also loved the smell & it reminded me that I was Home. As I got older, I wanted to go on the footplate of an engine myself to see what it was like which was one of my all-time goal's.
In 2013 that came true, I was at Dorset walking around the now famous showman's line & I asked one of the drivers of Burrell Showman's Engine "Star" if I could come up onto the footplate. I was very shy to ask at the time I climbed up & My Dream became a reality. I just couldn't believe that I finally had the courage to do something I've never done before in my life. In 2014 I started helping out my Steam Traction Engine Owner friends restoring their engines & I loved every minute of it learning as I went along & seeing it taking shape. From the gears to the cylinder block & I want to carry on doing it because I love it so much & seeing something being brought back to life & working & that's still one of my goal's to take my ambition another step up the ladder,
In 2015 at Dorset I helped polish & look after an engine which is still close to my heart, a Burrell scenic Showman's called "Dolphin" which is owned by my very good friend Mike Dreelan from Aberdeen & I have been helping him to this day. The engine was owned by Frank Lythgoe who was also showman & he had a fleet of engine's including Mclaren "Goliath" works number 1623 reg number DH 2482; Foden "Prospector" built in 1910 works number 2104 reg number WR 6985; "Dreadnought" built in 1909 works number 3093 reg number AY 9682; "Dolphin" built in 1925 works number 4030 Reg number FA 2316 & not forgetting a Fowler called "King Carnival 2" works Number 19783, built in 1932 Reg number EF 4883. He also had a set of Gallopers which are now owned by my friend Mike but the 98-key Merenghi Organ is still with the Lythgoe Family.
In 2016 I decided to take my Hobby to another level. I started doing art when I was at College from 2001 to 2006. I only did a three year course & I just loved being creative in my own way & my tutor was very impressed with what I came up with, in 2016 I combined my Hobby with my art & it really worked I started drawing Traction Engine's thanks to my dad as he used to do Technical Drawing & he has been a big help to me.
In the same year I had a meeting at a pub in Wimborne called "Drusillas's" where I met the owner of the pub then & I showed them my Artwork - the meeting went really well & it took my art to the next level. They asked if I could leave six with them & I agreed & I was so happy so show other people who visited the Pub - even my friends because it was a venue for the engines to go to before travelling up to the Great Dorset Steam Fair site. My inspirations in the Steam Art world were the late Johnny Crowman who's drawings were absolutely incredible & so detailed & another artist who currently does steam engine drawings & paintings is Howard White & his drawing's & paintings gave me the chance to bring my artwork to life and gave me lots of advice & he was very helpful, so Thank You so much to them for that.
My first Engine I drew was Burrell Showmans "General Gough" It took me a while to do with the dynamo at the front & the scale which had to be exactly right including the smokebox door. When it was finished I gave the print to the owners who are very close friends of mine so it was fitting for them. When I visit a Steam rally, I grab my DSLR camera, take a photo of the subject in question whether its a Fairground, Street Organ or a Showman's engine, Road Roller or a Road Loco & I copy them freehand hand onto paper - I do get a little help from my dad if I need it. But getting the colours right can be tricky sometimes because they have to be exactly right to the photo I have taken then I take a break from the steam side of thing's & move onto Fairground Organ's which played a big part in the fairground scene as they brought people on to the old time rides whilst playing their Melodies. I always found them very tricky due to the fact they have so much pipe work depending on the one I'm doing & scroll work on the facade & it depends on how many figurines it has which can be very difficult but I try to work my way around that.
I'm also a Member of The Fair Organ Preservation Society & I do article's for their quarterly Key Frame Magazine. I'm also an Official Photographer for the Southern Counties Organ Festival which I attend in June at Devizes Green in Wiltshire. They are a lovely group of people & learning more about the organs & their history which is very interesting to me going around the back & watching the book of Music go through the Keyframe & also talking to the owners themselves.
Back in September 2020 which is also my birthday month I had the best present which I will never forget. A couple of my friends were doing a road run in Dorset with their steam engines Alchin General Purpose Traction engine "Royal Chester", Mclaren Road Locomotive "Hercules", Marshall Road Locomotive "Ben Lomond" & Fowler General Purpose Traction Engine "Berkshire Tarriff Queen" . It was a really emotional surprise for me to see them after a long few months due to the situation that was currently going on which halted a lot of steam events & social gatherings which made it hard for everyone in the road steam preservation sector & especially with the concern of coal supplies at this current time.
I'm also a crew member on another engine which is owned by Westons Cider Company in Herefordshire, an Aveling & Porter Road Roller works number 9158 reg WR 7274 “Old Rosie” which I still help out on at Dorset since 2018, I get to learn to light the fire & get steam up & I also have the privilege to steer her which I haven't done in my life which I do assisted because I'm not used to steering her on my own just yet so one step at a time. I do get the chance to have a go at steering her around the playpen & it's amazing to do but hard work at the same time because some people find it easy but I'm just getting used to it. I also have other favourite Traction engines that also attend Dorset on a regular basis - Mclaren Road Locomotive "Boadicea", Fowler "The Great North", Fowler Road Locomotive "Atlas", Fowler Showman’s Engine "The Lion", Fowler Crane Engine "Duke of York", Burrell Scenic Showman’s "General Gough", Burrell Road Locomotive "Lord Roberts", Burrell Road Locomotive "Clinker", & Burrell Scenic Showman's "Dolphin" & a few others too.
Since 2014 I have made so many Steam Traction Engine friends along the way & they have been so supportive & caring they are my second family. I'm so lucky & blessed to have them in my life because without them I wouldn't be “Living my Dream” so Thank You so much to everyone of them.
To find out more about The Hastings Miniature Railway click on this link
to see more of Vicki's artwork click here
Sister of Steam 'Rachael Harris' tells us a little of her motivation and journey onto the footlate
I'm a member of the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (RPSI) based at Whitehead Railway Museum.
and I'm a part of the Operations Crew, helping with the running of our locos in the yard and mainline.
I have loved to add to the stories of the other females .
I've been a member for the past 3 & a half years in the RPSI and have been passed out as a shunter & steam raiser.
I'm currently being trained to become a fireman.
My goal is to become the first female Diesel and Steam driver in the society's history.
There can be a certain kind of stigma which comes with being a woman in a male dominated environment, which I’m no stranger to being a Design Engineer. However, the RPSI is one place where I have never experienced this.
Growing up, I used to see the steam trains on certain weekends pass by, but it wasn’t until I met my, then boyfriend, and now fiancé, that I got my first experience on a steam train. In September 2018 we were booked to travel on a steam train journey and from that moment I was hooked.
Being a Design Engineer means I spend a lot of time behind a desk looking at screens, so there really is nothing better than getting to do something physical which is also so much fun. Couple that with being surrounded by other amazing volunteers and you have the perfect recipe for a rewarding, unique and exciting hobby.
Shortly after my first steam train journey I was down for a steam train rides day and a few weeks later I began volunteering. My first few tasks were cleaning our biggest engine, No. 85. There’s no better way to get to know an engine!
Slowly I began to gain experience steam raising, shunting and guard duties, until I unfortunately had a major setback. I needed a second knee surgery in January 2020, stemming from an unrelated injury in August of 2019. After this it wasn’t until restrictions began to lift in mid-late 2020 that I returned to Whitehead.
It was almost a full year missed of training and learning but I soon got back into the swing of things. Alongside a few other volunteers I was passed out as a shunter during a Shunter School in July 2021. This gave me a great experience within shunting, but the real learning came when helping to shunt a 7-carriage rake at Halloween! This was unlike anything I had ever done but having knowledgeable and patient volunteers to learn from was invaluable. Of course, this had to be in the wind and pouring rain!
In December 2021 I was then passed out as a steam raiser and during the Santa Specials, completed my first turn as a stream raiser and not as assistant. Here I took a new female volunteer through the process of lighting one of our engines, No. 131. Although the loco was rather stubborn at first, I remembered my training and we successfully had the engine to a decent pressure when the fireman and driver arrived!
Now the hard work really begins! It’s time for fireman training… I have had a few days on the footplate for fireman experience and they have been, by far, my favourite thing I have taken part in. Experiencing the raw power of a locomotive while you are the one shovelling the coal is something extraordinary. Trying to remember all the oiling points too is no easy task!
It is so tricky to get the balance right between coal in the firebox and water in the boiler to keep the pressure up but not to blow off. I’m learning the tricks of the trade from some incredible volunteers and slowly getting to grips with it. Even the injectors are starting to become second nature now!
I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be where I am, especially after 2 knee surgeries, but I am highly privileged to get to be taught by and work with numerous wonderful volunteers on multiple breath-taking engines. Working with operations for shunts, train rides and main line runs, in all capacities, have been some of the best experiences I have ever had.
My goal going forward is to become the first female steam and diesel driver in RPSI history.
One photo is during my steam raiser assessment
and the other is one of my first days of fireman experience on the footplate.
To find out more about Railway Preservation in Ireland click the link
2 more Sisters of Steam Tracy and Alison from Buckinghamshire Railway Centre ( Quainton Road)
We look forward to reading their stories soon.
here is a link to find out more about our friends at Quainton Road
Long term Sister of Steam Joanne Crompton seems pleased with her mug and key ring
Joanne Crompton
A lovely little surprise today in the post, thank you 😊
& Steam Locomotive Fireman ( and trainee driver)
at The Llangollen Railway
The Llangollan
read here a little about Joanne's amazing journey
We would very much like to hear your story , about why you became involved,
what roles you fullfill and
hopefully how much you enjoy helping keep our industrial heritage alive.
We would of course like to share some of those stories ( with photos ( as jpegs) if you will ) on here
and hopefully it will lead to an increase in our Sisters of Steam across heritage projects in the UK
Please send any submissions to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our friends across The Pond in the USA also have a penchant for Steam
See some of their Ladies of Steam on their facebook page
click here for Ladiesofsteam USA
Below we see Trustee, David Holmes, presenting Tina Sutton with a Sisters of Steam mug and Key ring .
Tina is the first recipent of said mug and key ring .
Congratulations Tina is a long standing member of the GWSR footplate crew and qualified as a driver recently .
Thank you Tina for being a true Sister of Steam
Our 2nd Sister of Steam to receive a Sister of Steam mug & key Ring,
this time from 2874 Trust Chairman David Foster is Alex ,
Alex is long time and hardworking member of the Loco dept.,.
Thank You Alex for being a true Sister of Steam (
Behind Alex and David you can see our stand at the GWSR 2022 Steam gala
Sister of Steam Eleanor receives her Sisters of Steam Mug and key ring from Trustee Chairman David Foster.
Eleanor is another member of the footplate crew and another true Sister of Steam.
Thank you Eleanor for being a true Sister of Steam
( not sure if they are choccy biscuits in the carrier )
Stalwart voluneer Tracy receiving her Sisters of Steam mug from 2874 chairman David Foster at the recent GWSR Diesel Gala on ourr stand
Tracy is oft seen with working on 2874 ( she was also, up until recently, a member of the lineside clearance team but the lure of steam may be enticed her inside )
Multi tasking GWSR volunteer Bryony who is a trainee Fireman, Gaurd and covers various admin roles in different depts at the GWSR as well !
recieves her Sisters of Steam Mug and Key ring from 2874 Trustee David Holmes
Thank you Bryony for being a true Sister of steam
The 2874 Trust is committed to promoting the involvement of as wide a range of people as possible in our project
to restore our 1918 built locomotive and provide it to heritage railways to become an attraction in their living museums.
The GWSR has a thriving Steam Loco Department and included in the active volunteers are a number of women –
they are proving that engineering, restoration, firing and driving are activities for anyone with the interest.
Like many heritage projects there is also a goodly number of women working in other deppartments
We will continue to develop this part of our website - dedicated it to “The Sisters of Steam” – watch this space for more!
Here we have a clip of Tina Sutton taking the regulator of 7820 Dinmore Manor
on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, she is being supervised by one of the driver trainers, Stephen Burnett
And here is Tina again in full protective gear working on 2874 - removing wasted steelwork to prepare for riveting new replacements
Tracy working on the frames