Early evening on 14th August, our wheelsets have arrived back at Toddington from South Devon Engineering.
They were brought by Vic Haines transport - here are two very well secured axles showing off the new tyres and counterbalance rivets.
Here the seriously heravy duty hydraulic lift carefully places the axles on the unloading road.
To ensure they look their best when we eventually get to the re-wheeling stage we started the painting - the day after arrival our team were at work cleaning off any oil and grease and coating in anti-corrosive primer.
A few days later they were moved into the shed and the process continued - we aim to get two coats of anti-corrosive primer, four undercoat and three coats of gloss on over the next few weeks.
All the cvrank pins, thrust faces and journals have been treated with Waxoyl and covered with Denzo tape to ensure no rust can get at these newly treated surfaces.
A short video shows how the tyres were removed prior to fitting the new ones: